26 January 2012

Everybody's doin' it.

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is getting inked? People everywhere are using indelible ink to express themselves.  Humans have always loved to express themselves through art and now, more than ever they are using the ancient art of tattooing to say something permanent about who they are, or what they believe in.
Model Lily Donaldson.
When I was growing up, I could swear that the only people with tattoos where sailors, bikers and well, pirates. At least, that was how it seemed to me. So what's all the fuss about? Is the  increasing popularity for tattoos been brought on by reality shows like Miami Ink? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I have a problem with tattoos, quite the opposite in fact.  It's just that it's almost like people have become obsessed with the art of tattooing their bodies. Or have I just been living under a rock? 

Model Freja Beha.
Then there is screen goddess Angelina Jolie, arguably one of the most beautiful women on the planet and she is covered in tattoos, which seem only to make her even more attractive.

Many young women and even older women are joining this party and as such, the style of tattoos women are putting on their bodies has evolved into something far removed from the original classics such as an anchor or a dragon. The tattoos women are going for are more characterised by their own distinct personality and artistic integrity. Cute even.
I have two tattoos.  They aren't very obvious, and yet I didn't want to hide them either.  I just wanted something small but meaningful. I first started thinking about getting a tattoo in my early 20s.  I wasn't obsessed by the idea, but I did have an idea of what I wanted and when I had the design sorted, I knew it would happen. 

My first, a little black cat on my inside left ankle, it's my good luck charm.  Hubby's is a latin verse on his upper left arm. It didn't hurt as much as I had expected it to, but when the tattooist started colouring in the body of my design I found yogic breathing helped me cope!  Afterward I felt the adrenalin kicked in, I was elated and hooked!  
There is no limit to wearing your art on your sleeve, your décolletage, neck, thigh, ankle or even your whole back. I wonder, are tattoos becoming the most wearable form of self expression outside of clothing and jewellery? Maybe so.  What is intriguing to me, is the diversity of tattoo wearing fashionistas I see on street style blogs, and they're all wearing Prada and Armani while toting some serious ink.  But you know what?  It is the way of the tattoo.  Design and placement is key.  I am often amazed by the full sleeves I see on young women, to me they seem fearless about their choice of permanence at such a young age.  
Image from Aje Summer 2010 collection.
My second tattoo I got all by myself after deciding on a sanskrit word that basically means spiritual seeker.  This tattoo felt much more important to me. It was spur-of-the moment because I hadn't really planned on getting it done that day, but the design came to me a few days before and once I had decided on the design, I couldn't wait any longer. The tattoo is on the inside of my right wrist and when it was done I was so thrilled. I also knew that it was not to be my last.  
My wrist tattoo.
However, if putting yourself through permanent inking is not your thing, then in the words of Captain Jack Sparrow, "what's say you" get your car inked instead? I recently put a very cute Cupid decal from cartatts.com on the rear window of my car and not only has it given my car some personality, but I have had so many lovely comments from people too.

For some very cool car tattoo decal designs for your car, head over to cartatts.com and check them out.
In a generation, tattoos have become de rigueur, and that there really are no boundaries nor any limit to a design. I've seen tattoos on people from all walks of life and one thing that remains true is how very personal your tattoo is to you. Go with your instincts. 



Sources: cartatts.tumblr.com, pinterest, cartatts.com, google.com and my own.


  1. When people are young tattoos often look nice!

    The tattoo on the legs of the pretty girl in fifty years???

    ♥ Franka

    1. I didn't know whether to ask that question in my post - what about later on in life? It poses an interesting point. Do now, regret later? There's always clothes to cover up though, right? :)

  2. "sailors, bikers and well, pirates" ... hahahaha Yes, that is also how I remember it. It's not for me even though I sometimes like it on others. Only sometimes.

    Have a wonderful weekend ;-)

    1. Yes, it's not for everyone, I agree Lisa. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thank you so much dear Heidi for leaving your sweet comment!
    It took me directly to your blog and I´m so glad I stumbled across it!

    Little hug from Mietz to you :)

    1. Lovely to meet you too! I'm enjoying exploring your blog Martina, Hx
